Posted on 10/7/2015
The simple fact is that 70% of car batteries fail within 4 years. They just need to be replaced when they are no longer able to hold a full charge. Batteries are a big ticket item for most North Kansas City auto owners and it’s tempting to put off buying a new one as long as possible. But a battery that cannot hold a full charge requires the alternator to work extra hard, causing it to wear out prematurely. Your Northtown Auto Clinic service specialist can test your battery to see if it should be replaced. Testing is a good idea for Missouri motorists because a battery might still be good, but become dead because of a bad alternator or even a worn serpentine belt and tensioner. Give us a call Northtown Auto Clinic 2235 Taney Street North Kansas City, Missouri 64116
Posted on 9/2/2015

It’s important for North Kansas City auto owners to know battery basics. First, let’s talk about which is harder on a battery – hot or cold Missouri weather. Most Kansas City motorists think it’s cold weather because that’s when we call on our batteries to have enough power to start a cold SUV engine. However, heat does more damage to a battery than cold. Truth is, our batteries start to die a little from day one. Keeping a full charge slows the process, which is hard with short North Kansas City trips because the alternator doesn’t have time to fully recharge the battery from starting the engine. North Kansas City drivers can top off the charge with a computer controlled battery charger – say, once a month in the Missouri summer and every three months during the winter. As far as how long a battery will last, statistics show that 70% have given up the ghost within four years ... read more
Posted on 12/16/2014
Hello North Kansas City drivers, let’s talk about batteries. Car batteries are just like any rechargeable battery. They will eventually wear out and die. If you are shopping for a new battery in North Kansas City, here’s some auto advice to help you. There are two measurements to consider when purchasing a new battery: cold cranking amps and reserve capacity. The power required to start a cold engine is measured in cold cranking amps. The number you need is determined by what kind of vehicle you drive and where you live. In general, higher-cylinder engines require more cold cranking amps than lower-cylinder engines. In other words, an eight-cylinder engine needs more cold cranking amps than a six-cylinder one. Also, diesel engines require more cold cranking amps than gasoline engines. The Kansas City weather also determines the number of cold cranking amps yo ... read more